Technology-Enhanced Career Management Skills – TechCMS
The main aim of the “Technology-enhanced Career Management Skills for Adults – TechCMS” project is to develop and deliver an innovative Virtual Career Guidance, a Learning Centre Platform and an on-line Self-Assessment Tool, in order to enhance the capacity of careers workers. They could provide CMS guidance to individuals and empower their CMS using technology.
TechCMS is a nexus of needs-oriented content, user-centred practice and evidence-based policy, promoting the mindset, practices and policies for CMS acquisition and the use of ICT in career guidance in the participating countries, throughout EU and beyond.
In order to achieve its goal, it will develop the following activities:
1. Deliver high-quality, in-depth research and analysis products on the current situation in CMS in the participating countries, on good and best practices in the field in the EU and internationally, and on the needs of the target-groups, thus facilitating the collection and analysis of evidence to substantiate innovative policies and practices;
2. Translate research and analysis findings into concrete practice contributing to national and EU-level policy-making, through the development of the TechCMS Catalogue and Learning Model, which constitutes by itself a contribution of major importance to national policy-making in the participating countries and, thus to EU policy claims for an EU-wide CMS framework;
3. Develop and deliver an innovative Virtual Career Guidance & Learning Centre (as a virtual Organisation) designing and developing innovative training material to be utilized in the delivery of capacity-building training for careers professionals and in the provision of career guidance and learning services to individuals. Furthermore, an on-line Self-Assessment Tool will be developed to complete an innovative career guidance services with innovative tools for all (career management and individuals).
TechCMS acts as an “innovation and policy entrepreneur” as it kick-starts longer-term changes and field-tests innovative solutions to challenges in the education and training fields, aiming at their mainstreaming and generating a sustainable and systemic impact.