Work-Based Learning and apprenticeships experiences are fundamental pillars of the Vocational Education and Training system and they can support the youth employment and companies’ competitiveness in Europe. VETBUS is the acronym of “The VET-BUSiness Alliance to systemise WBL experiences in the manufacturing sector of the Marche Region”, the project is co-funded by the Erasmusplus Programme (KA3) and it seeks to bridge the gap between the world of education and the labour market needs, in the Marche Italian territory. VETBUS aims at sharing good practices and learning from the German Dual-VET system, a reliable and well-established model supporting youth employment and companies’ competitiveness through WBL activities. VETBUS will set up a core group made up of members coming from the Regional Authority, VET providers/organisations, social parties and business private companies, and will systemise its cooperation framework in a long-term Regional Alliance. This will contribute to better matching training curricula with the specific professional skills required by the local manufacturing sector and to raise the quality excellence and attractiveness of the VET regional system.