VU-BI-ELLE: European Work Based Learning approaches and methodologies for VET Staff to prevent Early School Leaving by designing Flexible and Tailor-made Learning Plans
The project “VU-BI-ELLE” has been inspired by the recent reorganization of the second cycle of the Italian secondary school, which recognizes to the School and Work Alternation activities a key role in facilitating the entry into the job market of learners. The project would respond, in particular, to a specific need of training and professional development expressed by the staff involving in tutoring activities during School and Work Alternation and Work Based Learning (WBL) paths. The aim was to offer them methodologies and European instruments for the broader design of flexible learning paths and personal learning plans for learners and for the evaluation of these paths, bringing the schools to the world of work by promoting a dialogue between the two systems. In order to strengthen the motivation of learners and prevent Early School Leaving (ESL), the EU strongly fosters the possibility of offering them the opportunity to have new flexible approaches based on Personal Learning Plans (PLPs) designed by VET staff (TEACHERS, TRAINERS, TUTORS) in collaboration with enterprises and the world of work. Therefore, the tutor has a crucial role, since he/she integrates the curriculum with skills that students can be effectively developed within the enterprises and promotes their assessment, certification and validation in a European context (also through the implementation of ECVET framework).
VU-BI-ELLE has provided training courses for 137 VET STAFF Members, according with two different envisaged target groups:
- a) PATH FOR SCHOOL TUTORS, lasting two weeks / 80 hours, 120 participants have taken part to the training activities through a flow of 20 participants for each of the 6 hosting countries. The contents of the training have included multimedia teaching; communication; the role of the school tutor; the relationship between the school and the company; the design and evaluation of flexible paths of Alternation / WBL.
- b) PATH FOR NETWORK TUTORS, lasting 1 week / 40 hours, 2 flows of 17 participants in total, to Malta. This path was addressed to staff comes from the world of vocational training and the third sector, which for years collaborated with schools in the management of projects for the construction of pathways and vocational qualifications, and who acts as a liaison between the school and the local context. The training have included the collaboration with the school and the company in terms of defining the Alternation / WBL project; role; monitoring and evaluation of the learners’ paths.