Project Reference:




Key Action and Action Type:

KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals – VET learner and staff mobility

Lead Partner:


Project duration:

24 MONTHS, October 2016 -September 2018

Project partners:

IAL MARCHE S.R.L, IPSIA Benelli di Pesaro; Ist. Omnicomprensivo Montefeltro di Sassocorvaro (PU); IIS Podesti Calzecchi Onesti di Ancona; IIS Padovano di Senigallia – Sede di Arcevia (AN); IPSIA O. Ricci di Fermo; IPSIA Guastaferro di S. Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Unione Sindacale Regionale Cisl Marche, Camera di commercio delle Marche.

WELLNESS#KEPASS: VET Learners in Europe to gain professional skills in the wellness and beauty care sector

The WELLNESS#KEPASS project responds to the need to increase professional skills as well as the motivation of students and young people already qualified in the two wellness fields -BEAUTICIAN and HAIRDRESSER. The project will provide 150 mobility experiences, 80 for students and 70 for newly qualified from the partner schools – 6 VET Secondary schools of the Marche region – and IAL Marche Professional Training courses, for 1 month (students) and 3 month internship abroad (newly qualified) in wellness sector companies located in Spain, Portugal, France, United Kingdom and Malta.

In order to promote social inclusion, the project intends to encourage access to this specific experience also for STUDENTS AT RISK OF SCHOOL LEAVING and with SOCIAL-ECONOMIC, LINGUISTIC and CULTURAL DISADVANTAGE, including MIGRANTS and students belonging to ETHNICAL MINORITIES. Therefore, at least 30% of students belonging to the above disadvantaged categories are expected to participate and they will carry out an internship abroad with the same characteristics as their classmates’ internships.